Welcome back! The Ed emerges blinking into the first sunshine of Spring….
Where were we? Ah yes – the last blog (gulp – in October!) talked about the Ten Saboteurs -- a stealth team of inner gremlins who throw ninja stars at your motivation.
How to combat them? Step forward – your Sage.
Imagine your mind as a quirky battlefield where your Sage is the cool, calm strategist facing off against the mischievous Saboteurs. While the Saboteurs are like psychological pranksters throwing mental chaos grenades, your Sage is the wisdom warrior – the inner Zen master who can disarm the Saboteur Squad with surgical precision and compassionate insight.
Think of the Sage as your brain's ultimate life coach—part Yoda, part Buddhist monk, part brilliant strategist. This isn't some fluffy, feel-good alter ego. The Sage is a powerhouse of perspective, armed with emotional intelligence and a laser-sharp ability to transform challenges into opportunities.
When a Saboteur starts its usual mind-hijacking routine, deploy the Sage's signature move: The Compassionate Interrogation.
These aren't just questions—they're precision-guided wisdom missiles aimed directly at your Saboteurs' weak spots.
Reframing isn't about toxic positivity. It's about deliberately choosing a perspective that empowers rather than paralyses. When the Avoider wants to run from a challenge, the Sage steps in with, "This isn't a threat—it's an opportunity to grow."
Developing your Sage isn't about perfection. It's a practice—a daily workout for your emotional and mental resilience.
Your Saboteurs aren't enemies to be destroyed. They're misguided parts of yourself seeking protection. The Sage understands this. It doesn't wage war—it negotiates, transforms, and integrates.
Imagine your mind as a round table discussion. The Saboteurs are invited, but they don't get to drive. The Sage is the wise leader, listening to everyone but making decisions from a place of balance and growth.
This isn't about winning against your inner critics. It's about creating harmony, understanding, and a more compassionate relationship with yourself.
Your Sage is always there, waiting. Sometimes it whispers, sometimes it roars. But it's always, always on your side.
Moving on (at last, I (don’t) hear you cry…..) – here’s a few oddities you may have missed since we last met.
Heroes –
….. and Villains --
The maintenance team which is looking after Longships Lighthouse in Cornwall, which has been sounding its fog alarm every 13 seconds for over a week. The lighthouse has a fault in its fog-sensing mechanism, causing a high-pitched electronic bleep to sound all day and all night, even in clear skies. The National Coastwatch Institution told locals that engineers are waiting for a spare part to arrive, and that in the meantime “a set of earplugs might be a good investment”.