TAB offers solidarity and a great sounding board
“There’s a sense of solidarity with the peer support you get at TAB. It’s a non-threatening environment where you get more and more comfortable speaking up and challenging each other. It has served as a great sounding board for me, bringing a new level of clarity.”
Matt Hamlin, co-founder, CEO and director – of engineering and technical development - of Metron Group Ltd, joined TAB North East Scotland in August 2022.
He founded Metron, which is based in Inverurie, in January 2014 with Jon Gill. Metron, which has a 28-strong workforce, is an independent engineering service company dedicated to improving asset reliability and overall production efficiency in the energy industry.
This is achieved through identifying and fixing business critical issues to improve the availability of processing equipment, including rotating machinery, utilities and ancillary systems.
There was never any doubt that Matt would follow his father's route. His father was an engineer, and his father’s father was an engineer, as was his father before him.

Matt Hamlin
Metron Group Ltd

The Beginning
Matt studied mechanical engineering at Heriot Watt University, graduating in 1998, before going on to work in oil and gas, renewables and back to upstream oil and gas, where he worked with future business partner Jon.
When the pair established Metron, oil was $110 a barrel. Six months in, it had plummeted. However, the firm battled through, flourished and will soon mark a decade in existence.
Matt said joining TAB helped gain some ‘external validation’ of the company's direction.
"Jon and I were getting too introspective and needed some fresh ideas. We were inward-facing. We knew each other so well that we could finish each other’s sentences – we had stopped challenging each other."

“TAB has been a really positive experience for us. While it’s always difficult to directly link it to our TAB membership, there’s no doubt that it has helped us keep on target to achieve our desired 20% year-on-year growth.”

Matt Hamlin, Co-Founder, Metron Group Ltd

Jon Gill, Co-Founder, Metron Group Ltd
Making Changes That Matter
Matt and Jon credit The Alternative Board (TAB) for significant changes in their business approach.
At their TAB board, they can engage in open, consequence-free discussions within a supportive peer community.
This environment led them to reevaluate their business objectives, aligning them with their new personal goals.
They revamped their business model to maximise value from strategic contracts and redefined their mission statement for a broader vision. These changes, inspired by their TAB experience, contributed to their pursuit of substantial annual growth.
“You can have conversations at TAB without thinking of the consequences. It’s a non-threatening environment where you get more and more comfortable speaking up and challenging each other. There’s a solidarity there with that peer support. It connects you with people in a similar position so there is mutual understanding without any conflict of interest.”
The Results
The first real change Matt and Jon implemented after joining TAB was to review their objectives as business owners.
“We looked at what we wanted to achieve personally with the business. We found they had changed significantly over the years, but thankfully, they were still aligned.
“We worked on a new business model focusing on extracting more value from the strategic contracts we had in place. We looked at our mission statement and concluded that it was previously too technical and not focused on the bigger picture.
“TAB has been a really positive experience for us. While it’s always difficult to directly link it to our TAB membership, there’s no doubt that it has helped us keep on target to achieve our desired 20% year-on-year growth.”

About Jonathan Smith
Jonathan is a Partner for TAB in North East Scotland, bringing extensive experience from Shell, SMEs, and various sectors across the globe.
With a proven track record in diverse industries, including oil and gas, distribution, aviation, chemicals, manufacturing, and research, Jonathan is passionate about helping organisations and people thrive.
Contact him today to learn more about how joining TAB can help you and your business achieve your goals.

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